REVIEWS – Switzerland, Bristol, Philadelphia, Surrey

murmurations and punk spasms

DARIUS – Murmuration album (Humus Records)

Swiss quintet DARIUS have been building their orchestral noise rock/post-punk instrumentals for the best part of ten years. Murmuration is their third full-length album.

Coupled with a reference for instrumental ‘rock’ that waves vaguely at MOGWAI, time conspired against my really diving into this incredible piece of work, but I couldn’t let it pass without mention. The shortest track spans over five minutes, the longest coming in at eight, so they ain’t in a hurry. DARIUS are all about building, layering, creating emotions and atmospheres without the need for a vocalist. Opener Fritto Misto is a good example of the noisy anxiety on offer, a trio of razor-sharp guitars layered over a solid rhythm section. They probably won’t thank me for this; it’s what MUSE would have sounded like if they didn’t wanna be rock stars. The spiralling, post-punk guitars of Nuée shimmer, propelled along by a nagging insistence, the almost symphonic metal of Ail Huile patiently morphing into a layering of anxious atmospheres. A solid, chunky piece with colossal guitar sounds and throaty bass, the ‘chorus’ is a moment of uplifting musicality. Ditto Norbert; a scream into the guitar pickup, the only bit of human vocal, ushering in a punishing, noise-rock tumult. The eight-and-a-half minutes of Racoon contains all of their strengths in one long piece. Guitars – both nagging, discordant, and shimmering – work in unison, building to a hypnotic soundscape, before plunging into a churning cacophony. Ending on a brighter note, Bilzibute has more of that alternate-universe MUSE, a triumphant spiral backed by solid, punky chugging, and a haunting denouement.

Sure to challenge your attention spans, this is nevertheless a stunning piece of work. Watching them record Norbert live in the studio is a hypnotic delight, too.

Released 3rd May 2024 by Humus Records


The sole remaining member of Welsh-born, Bristol rockers THE PLEASURE DOME, song-writer, vocalist, and guitarist Bobby Spender bounces back with a new line-up to record this, the follow-up to 2023’s debut album Equinox.

The Duke Part 1, a 45-second intro of pub noises and sharp guitar, leads into Part 2, as BEATLES harmonies take a barstool alongside early BLUR and RADIOHEAD sonics. With the air of a future classic, the vocals have that laconic, FONTAINES DC cool, the guitars sparkle, and the background noises remain throughout, which is a nice touch. Your Fucking Smile evokes the primal cunning of THE BATTERY FARM; anger harnessed through crazed, freewheeling guitar, pounding drums, bitter vocals, and screams, all combining to come for your goosebumps. After Sugar‘s short slice of cajun-spiced blues, it’s good to hear the bass and drums rumbling away before the guitars muscle in on A Shoulder To Cry On. Expressive, clear vocals enhance this atmospheric, indie-tinged, British post-punker – more shades of FONTAINES DC – before the bright, acoustic Suicide ends the EP on a hopeful note.

Confident, intelligent Britpop fragrances mixed with indie-rock notes and a modern, post-punk tipple. Yeah, I like it.

Self-released 10th May 2024

CATHARI – It Will Hurt The Entire Time You Are Alive EP

It Will Hurt The Entire Time You Are Alive is like a thesis statement for my own sadness and disappointment into adulthood. Every song is about disappointment in its own way, be it with the music scene, the people I used to call friends, or even myself. Growing older has been a bitter and unforgiving experience and I wanted to capture the rage that percolates beneath the surface of my life as I come to find it’s just all disappointment all the way down.

Magdalena (Cathari vocalist)

Uuuuurgh, growl, waaaargh, dugada-dugada, griiiind. I guess you already know if this is for you, but be aware this isn’t the sanitised, Kerrang! version of metallic grind. Philadelphia’s CATHARI are the real thing, a chilling, primal scream of despair. In between cutting, metalcore riffs and pit-hungry slow-downs, the bitter spoken parts are hugely effective, and blastbeats in It Will Hurt hit hard. There are occasional spiky, post-punk guitars, and the vocals slip from hellish belches to a higher register in the same sentence. Impressive, yet oppressive. Five exhausting tracks.

Self-released 24th May 2024


Bounce if you love corruption!” Or, if you love thuggy, urban punk that scoffs at songs bothering two minutes. Jaded, seemingly nihilistic, B.I.Y.L.C. gets in and out in a flurry of raucous guitar, throaty bass, and crisp drumming, a SLOWTHAI-style vocal adding a pensioner-bothering sense of danger. Along with Born Broke Break Croak, these short, propulsive punk spasms are exhilarating. Full EP due in July.

Self-released on May 3rd, 2024

Header Photo Credit: CATHARI by Adrian Byrne

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