FREEDUMB – Sudden Deaf single (Fucking North Pole Records)

head trauma and punk rock

I was out hanging posters and when I was going down from a concrete plateau I forgot that it was mirror-smooth. So I set off and jumped down and my legs disappeared beneath me. The fall did not hurt much, but I was a few millimeters from hitting the concrete edge so my concern was how close I was to a bloody affair. Continued to hang up posters, but quickly noticed that everything was not quite right. Went to the emergency room and they said I would get better in 2-3 days, but the form only got worse and worse. Every morning I woke up with a high constant tinnitus that got louder and more intense throughout the day. Life was turned upside down and concerts, rehearsals, screen time, driving and listening to music became impossible. It took almost a year before I could return to my normal life, but I feel that I have never been quite the same after the accident and that there are late injuries that I still struggle with to a certain degree.

Torstein Eriksen (vocal/bass/songwriter – Freedumb)

Norwegian punksters FREEDUMB are back, with another track to tease their upcoming Social Hangover album, this time covering a personal story of head trauma and mental health.

This is just a punk rock song (©BAD RELIGION) with no bells, whistles or quirks. It does, however, ooze personality, passion and commitment. With a tinge of THE RUTS, a DEAD KENNEDYS guitar and a gobbet of the abrasive, skate-punk of GOOD RIDDANCE, the band own it all, right down to a healthy dose of anthemic rock in that oh-so catchy chorus. Punchy drums, crisp guitars and unapologetically melodic vocals combine to straddle the punk rock decades, resulting in a vibrant song bristling with hooks. My short attention span had no trouble keeping up with the three minute-plus run time and if Sudden Deaf and last year’s Get Away are any indication, the album is shaping up to be a real cruncher.

Released 26th January, so go check it out here