FREEDUMB – ‘Feverish’ streaming track (Fucking North Pole Records)

latest teaser from solid Norwegian punkers

Feverish is the first FREEDUMB song to feature guitarist Kim Trøbråten on lead vocals and the third single from the forthcoming Social Hangover album.

The second track in this run of teasers, Sudden Deaf, already had them running to the rock hills for inspiration but Feverish sees the band unashamedly go all in. The guitarist takes Dickie Hammond’s (LEATHERFACE/HDQ/DOCTOR BISON/THE JONES) signature style, running in a strident rock direction, THE CULT-on-speed rather than THE RUTS. The less punk, more rock vocals sound a little odd over the fast sections but it works its way in after a few plays. The riff is incredible, the chorus anthemic, think DOCTOR BISON turning up the cheesy rock dial and sprinkling it with punk speed. Great fun. On the strength of the three songs released so far, Social Hangover, due for release in October 2022, is shaping up to be a drool-worthy prospect indeed.

Released June 10th. I’m a little late, shoot me.

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